sesame oil production line pure and sesame oil plant

sesame oil production line pure and sesame oil plant
  • sesame oil production line pure and sesame oil plant
  • Does sesame have a role in oil production & quality?
  • The genes identified in sesame for oil production and quality probably play important roles in other closely related oilseed species (for example, sunflower) as well, offering the opportunity to look for genes with common function.
  • Is sesame oil biosynthetic?
  • However, the loci underlying oil content in sesame were found to not always be the enzymes in the oil biosynthetic pathways. Sesame seeds also contain high amounts of protein and dietary fibre (including lignin and cellulose).
  • What is the oil content of 705 sesame seeds?
  • Among the seeds of the 705 sesame varieties, the oil content (the weight of all oil compounds per unit weight of intact seeds) varied from 40.83% to 61.88%. We identified a total of 13 significant associations ( P <1 × 10 6 in mixed model).
  • Does sesame have a diploid genome?
  • Sesame (Sesamum indicum), an oilseed crop grown worldwide, has high oil content and a small diploid genome, but the genetic basis of oil production and quality is unclear. Here we sequence 705 diverse sesame varieties to construct a haplotype map of the sesame genome and de novo assemble two representative varieties to identify sequence variations.