high grade nut oil processing production line in kenya

high grade nut oil processing production line in kenya
  • high grade nut oil processing production line in kenya
  • Where is macadamia nut grown in Kenya?
  • ABSTRACT Macadamia nut is an important high value export market cash crop and is mostly produced in Central, Eastern, Rift Valley and Coast Provinces in Kenya. The national average yield is 28%, 16% exportable nut and 12% for local markets.
  • What is the yield of macadamia nuts?
  • The national average yield is 28%, 16% exportable nut and 12% for local markets. In 2008 the area under macadamia was well above 2000 ha, producing 13,510 Mt with an estimated value of $4,887,194 (Ksh 351,878,000 (1 Ksh = 0.72 US$)).
  • What are the production challenges in Kenya?
  • Production challenges include pests and disease damages (i.e. stink bug, nut borer, and anthracnose), drop of young fruits in the lower zones due to moisture stress, inadequate training of extension staff and farmers on crop husbandry practices (CABI 2004; Wabule et al. 2004; Kiuru 2005; Gain 2006).
  • What is the annual production of Macada- Mia nut?
  • Annual produc- tion is about 4,000 metric tons of nuts-in-shell producing an estimated 800 metric tons of marketable kernels. Macada- mia nut is considered as a crop for retirement due to its long payback period and the low returns in the first 5-8 years of production.