start castor oil production business in india

start castor oil production business  in india
  • start castor oil production business  in india
  • Where does castor oil come from?
  • European Union imports over 1,00,000 tons of castor oil annually, and almost all its imports are from India. Fuerst Day Lawson is one of the leading Castor Oil suppliers in Europe with over 40 years experience buying directly from the producers in India, China and Brazil.
  • What are the major sources of demand for castor oil?
  • The major sources of demand of castor oil are the various industries like soap, lubricant and paint industries and the demand of the oil is spread all across of country. This crop is grown over 6.25 lakh hectares of the country. India exports castor oil in two forms namely First Special grade and Castor Oil Commercial.
  • Which country produces the most castor oil?
  • This section has a special focus on India as this country is by far the largest producer and exporter of castor oil. Castor cultivation - provides specific details on the castor crop cultivation, soil, water and climatic requirements, on types of seeds and hybrids available, typical yields.
  • What is castor oil?
  • Castor oil is a pale yellow vegetable oil that is extracted from castor seeds. Castor oil is mainly used in preservative, medicine, lubrication etc. Currently, india is the largest producer of castor seeds and accounts for over 80 percent of the global production, followed by China and Brazil.
  • How much castor oil is consumed in India?
  • The annual domestic consumption of castor oil in India is only about 120,000-140,000 tons in the same period. Of this, the soap industry consumes about 25,000 tons, the paint and allied industries 35,000 tons and the lubricant and derivatives industry 20,000 tons.
  • Which industries use castor oil?
  • Paint industries greatly rely on resins derived from castor oil to occupy 20% of total domestic consumption in India. Cosmetics, perfumeries and rubeer & plastic units consume it equally and castor oil driven chemical derivatives help them to manufacture diverse personal care items and bio-polymers etc.