sesame oil presserscomplete production line in zimbabwe

sesame oil presserscomplete production line in zimbabwe
  • sesame oil presserscomplete production line in zimbabwe
  • Why did a local contractor move in to boost sesame production?
  • A local contractor has moved in to boost sesame production in the country, a move that is set to improve farmers' livelihoods, uplift standards of living and contribute towards the well-being of the economy. Sesame production is also targeted at increasing feedstock for cooking oil manufacturing and as an import substitution strategy.
  • How will zimtrade help farmers grow Sesame?
  • ZimTrade said increased awareness to consumers on the benefits of sesame seed and support to farmers on production and marketing will enable the more than 1 200 small-scale farmers currently producing sesame to increase production.
  • Is Zimbabwe importing Sesame to Mozambique?
  • In Zimbabwe, farmers had been producing sesame using their own resources and exporting to Mozambique and other neighbouring countries. Globereach Agro chief executive, Mr Decent Chitsungo, said they were contracting farmers to do one hectare each to ensure proper management of the crop.
  • Why is sesame production important?
  • Sesame production is also targeted at increasing feedstock for cooking oil manufacturing and as an import substitution strategy. Globereach Agro Pvt Ltd is contracting 5 000 farmers countrywide to produce sesame.