new oil pressing refining plant for production line in durban

new oil pressing refining plant for production line in durban
  • new oil pressing refining plant for production line in durban
  • Will South Durban Basin's oil refinery be converted to a storage facility?
  • Long-suffering South Durban Basin communities have welcomed the decision to convert the oil refinery to a storage facility but activists worry the polluting will continue. Residents of South Durban Basin will breathe a sigh of relief in 2023 when the notorious Engen refinery converts its oil-refining facility into a petroleum storage terminal.
  • Why is South Africa's oldest crude oil refinery being converted?
  • Our Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles. South Africa's oldest crude oil refinery, the 120,000 barrel per day plant operated by Engen (Enref), will be converted into a new storage facility because the refinery is no longer sustainable in the long term, the company said on Friday.
  • Is the Engen refinery causing environmental problems in South Africa?
  • Environmental activists say the Engen refinery is not the only culprit in the area. About 10km south of the Engen facility is the oil refinery plant for Shell and BP South African Petroleum Refineries (SAPREF), supplier of 35% of the country's petrochemical and oil needs. The Mondi and Sappi paper plants also contribute to toxic emissions.
  • Why are oil refineries closed in South Africa?
  • Refinery closures in South Africa are shots fired in the long running contestation between the oil refiners and the government, which has been trying to introduce cleaner fuels.