80tpd palm oil production line with durable using life

80tpd palm oil production line with durable using life
  • 80tpd palm oil production line with durable using life
  • Does research and development improve oil palm production?
  • This study, through a systemic perspective, explores the main drivers of productivity growth and its impacts on its associated factors using a system dynamics model. Of all four simulations, research and development (R&D) intervention is demonstrated to enhance oil palm production albeit at the cost of seemingly unstoppable land loss.
  • What are the benefits of integrating palm waste materials?
  • Integration of palm waste materials will promote sustainability for the mill operation and oil palm plantation. This approach combined with palm oil certification programmes can help reduce environmental impacts and may help to improve market demand which will impact the palm oil industry directly.
  • Does high productivity shape a more sustainable oil palm industry?
  • High productivity is posited to shape a more sustainable oil palm industry. Drivers of productivity are explored using a system dynamics model. R&D is superior to other policies leading to higher fresh fruit bunches yield. Automation and mechanization are effective in reducing farm cost.
  • Why is sustainable palm oil important?
  • Production of sustainable palm oil is recommended so that consumers only buy from companies using palm oil certified under RSPO, or similar certification schemes that have transparent commitments to improved ecosystem services and human wellbeing (Ayompe et al. 2021).