turnkey project of palm oil production line in congo

turnkey project of palm oil production line in congo
  • turnkey project of palm oil production line in congo
  • Are technology-driven intensifications in place in the Congo Basin palm oil sector?
  • Research suggests that technology-driven intensification, are in place (Byerlee et al. 2014). encouraging sustainability in the Congo Basin palm oil sector. development. Success will also rely on active engagement with civil society organizations as well as public and private companies.
  • Are the Congo Basin's leaders paying attention to oil palm expansion?
  • There are some early signs that the Congo Basin¡¯s leaders are already paying attention to the potential environmental trade-offs of oil palm expansion ¨C like the Marrakesh Declaration, in which seven African governments pledge a shift towards sustainable, low-carbon palm oil production.
  • Will Indonesia-style palm oil come to the Congo Basin?
  • Large scale palm oil operations were a feature of the region during the colonial era and people living in and around the Congo Basin have long had small scale farming and palm oil operations. But the scale of SGSOC¡¯s current project may represent the arrival of the Indonesia-style palm oil industry to the region.
  • Could Cameroon become the next frontier in palm oil trade?
  • The second-largest rainforest in the world could become the next frontier in the global palm oil trade as the government of Cameroon considers allowing the expansion of plantations in the country. The Congo Basin rainforest is home to a range of wildlife, including gorillas. ©Markus Mauthe / Greenpeace