popular palm oil production plant in ogun state

popular palm oil production plant in ogun state
  • popular palm oil production plant in ogun state
  • Are improved palm oil processing technologies available in Ogun State?
  • This study investigated the awareness and adoption of improved palm oil processing technologies in Ogun State, Nigeria. A well-structured questionnaire was used to collect data from one hundred and twenty (120) palm oil processors selected through multi-stage random sampling techniques.
  • How palm oil is processed in Nigeria?
  • Palm oil plays a key role in Nigeria economy with the largest producers from the South-Western part of the country. Processing of palm oil can be achieved either manually or by using milling machine . Various by-products are generated during palm oil processing. ...
  • Are women involved in palm oil processing in Nigeria?
  • Assesment of Women Participation in Palm Oil Processing in Dekina Local Government Area, Kogi State, Nigeria. ... Studies carried out in Nigeria showed that 75% of the mechanized processors are below 46 years of age at the same time when only 47% of the manual palm oil production ventures are in the same age bracket.
  • What factors influence oil palm production in Nigeria?
  • Investigation of the factors influencing oil palm production in Ondo State, Nigeria found that more than half of the oil palm farmers transplanted seedlings less than ten months of age while some of the seedlings obtained were adulterated.