mitigating measures for foul smell in palm oil plant

mitigating measures for foul smell in palm oil plant
  • mitigating measures for foul smell in palm oil plant
  • What is the mitigation strategy for GE in palm oil?
  • Mitigation strategies for 2-, 3-MCPDE, and GE in palm oil were successfully tested on pilot plant. Double refining is an effective mitigation strategy for GE. Secondary degumming and bleaching processes are crucial for the mitigation of GE. A low secondary deodorization temperature prevents new GE formation.
  • Can oil palm improve environmental sustainability?
  • Oil palm¡¯s potential for greater environmental sustainability may be enhanced through the implementation of agricultural practices that provide high yields while minimizing the negative environmental impacts of ongoing production.
  • Is replanting a good option for oil palm management?
  • Replanting management was the intervention category least represented in the literature, addressed in 3% of primary studies (8 studies). Twelve of the 26 oil palm management interventions found in the literature were investigated in three or fewer studies. Mixed/multiple interventions were researched in 31% of primary studies (91 studies).
  • How does oil palm affect the environment?
  • While the environmental impacts of oil palm on natural ecosystems are overwhelmingly negative, such impacts also need to be considered in relation to other land uses, including competing vegetable oil commodities, all of which have their own implications for biodiversity, carbon emissions and other environmental dynamics (Table 1 ).