widely exported palm oil production line in mali

widely exported palm oil production line in mali
  • widely exported palm oil production line in mali
  • Which countries export palm oil?
  • Moreover, the technical efficiency estimates reveal that Malaysia and Indonesia dominate different markets, except in the Netherlands. In terms of export potential, the study found that both major exporting countries of palm oil have great potential to tap more into the same countries, namely China, India, Thailand and the United States.
  • Can Malaysia and Indonesia expand palm oil exports?
  • Lastly, this study also shows that Malaysia and Indonesia have the potential to expand their palm oil exports in the same market, namely China, India and the United States. This market has great potential because it has a high population that can benefit palm oil exports.
  • Are Indonesian palm oil exports inefficient?
  • The main findings revealed the technical inefficiency of world palm oil exports. Comparing the two countries, the Indonesian average technical efficiency value is higher than Malaysian throughout the year. Moreover, the technical efficiency estimates reveal that Malaysia and Indonesia dominate different markets, except in the Netherlands.
  • Are there inefficiencies in palm oil exports?
  • First, this study proves the existence of inefficiencies in world palm oil exports. This is also supported by the technical efficiency (TE) values calculated through this SFM model. Overall, it can be seen that no country shows 100 per cent technical efficiency.