small scale palm oil mill plant in ghana

small scale palm oil mill plant in ghana
  • small scale palm oil mill plant in ghana
  • Are small-scale palm oil processing mills causing environmental problems in Ghana?
  • The environmental impact of small-scale palm oil processing mills in Ghana has come under serious questioning, especially the disposal of wastewater generated from their operations.
  • How big is the palm oil industry in Ghana?
  • Using a per capita BOD loading of 54 gBOD/day (Von Sperling 2007) and average daily wastewater production of 474 l for small-scale palm oil processing mills in Ghana, the population equivalent (PE) for the small-scale industry is about 200 inhabitants.
  • How is palm oil produced in Ghana?
  • Palm oil production in Ghana is dominated by informal small-scale mills that produces about 80% of the national production. These mills have been noted for violating environmental regulations.
  • Are wastewater treatment technologies applicable to small-scale palm oil processing mills in Ghana?
  • Additional studies are needed in other palm oil production regions of Ghana to generate national-level data. This will guide the development of a compendium of wastewater treatment technologies applicable to small-scale processing mills in Ghana. The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare that are relevant to the content of this article.