how much is a large palm oil processing plant in johannesburg

how much is a large palm oil processing plant in johannesburg
  • how much is a large palm oil processing plant in johannesburg
  • How big is the palm oil industry in 2021?
  • The palm oil sector grew to a market value exceeding USD 50 billion in 2021 and is projected to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of at least 4%, reaching USD 65 billion by 2027 (Research and Markets, 2022). More than 7 million smallholders globally cultivate oil palm as their main form of livelihood (RSPO, 2022b).
  • How much oil does oil palm produce a year?
  • Oil palm crops globally produce an annual 81 million tonnes (Mt) of oil from about 19 million hectares (Mha). In contrast, the second and third largest vegetable oil crops, soybean and rapeseed, yield a combined 84 Mt oil but occupy over 163 Mha of increasingly scarce arable land. The oil palm crop system faces many challenges in the 2020s.
  • How many people work in the palm oil industry?
  • In the two largest palm oil producers in the world, Indonesia and Malaysia, the palm oil sector directly employs almost 5 million smallholders and workers and indirectly employs an additional 6 million people (Russell, 2018, 2020). The sector is also responsible for an estimated 2.9 million downstream jobs in importing countries (Basiron, 2016).
  • When did the oil palm industry start in Indonesia?
  • The later rise of the oil palm industry in Indonesia occurred during the twenty-first century when there was a>5-fold increase in oil production from 8.3 Mt in 2000 to 43.5 Mt in 2020.
  • How much palm oil is planted in Malaysia?
  • For the past 10 years, the total palm oil plantation area in Malaysia increased by 21.6%, especially in Sarawak state, with an increment of 72.8% from 0.92 to 1.59 million hectares of the planted area (Fig. 6) (Commodities et al. 2019).
  • How much does oil palm cost in Indonesia?
  • Data published by the Indonesian Oil Palm Farmers Association (APKASINDO) show that the FFB price for independent farmers hovered between USD 56 and USD 77 per tonne in 2018, while farmers participating in the plasma program received around USD 110 per tonne (Harian, 2018).