european standard palm oil extractor plant in senegal

european standard palm oil extractor plant in senegal
  • european standard palm oil extractor plant in senegal
  • Are EU palm oil imports RSPO certified?
  • In 2016, 69 % of EU palm oil imports were RSPO-certified. At present, there is no EU-level requirement for sustainability, but this could change soon; as part of its 'Green Deal', the EU is planning an impact assessment of regulatory and non-regulatory options to promote deforestation-free imports of commodities such as palm oil.
  • What is palm oil used for?
  • Oil extracted from the fruit was traditionally used in Africa for cooking, but has now found a wider range of uses: as a substitute for animal fats such as butter in baked products, soaps and cosmetics, or as a feedstock for biodiesel. Around half of packaged products in supermarkets contain palm oil.
  • Can palm oil be RSPO certified?
  • To be RSPO-certified, palm oil must not come from land that has been cleared by fire or by destroying primary forest. Moreover, since November 2018, the scheme excludes new plantations on peat soil.
  • What percentage of palm oil is sustainable?
  • Besides, less than one-fifth (19 %) of global palm oil production is certified by the RSPO as sustainable. Several European countries (including France, Germany, Italy and Norway), as well as numerous multinational companies, have already committed to only buying sustainably produced palm oil.