establish small palm oil mill plant in nigeria

establish small palm oil mill plant in nigeria
  • establish small palm oil mill plant in nigeria
  • Is small-scale palm oil processing feasible in Nigeria?
  • Palm oil is a major food and non-food ingredient consumed by virtually everyone in Nigeria through the use of palm oil related products. This study investigates the feasibility of small-scale palm oil processing in Nigeria, using Elele, Rivers State as case study. Information was elicited through interviews and physical observations.
  • How to speed up the net return of palm oil processing in Nigeria?
  • In order to speed up the net return of palm oil processing in Nigeria, the government should sensitize her populace on the profitability of the business while providing loans to individual that are interested in the enterprise.
  • Can small scale oil palm processing oil be established in Akwa Ibom State?
  • This feasibility report makes a case for the establishment of small scale oil palm processing oil (the Mill) in Akwa Ibom State along Calabar-Itu road. This feasibility report makes a case for the establishment of small scale oil palm processing oil (the Mill) in Akwa Ibom State along Calabar-Itu road, and in-between Mbak Atai and the Head Bridge.
  • Should oil palm mill be located along Calabar-Itu road?
  • Equally, a viable oil palm mill located along Calabar-Itu road would make better business for regular vendors who move oil palm from destinations in Cross River State for sale in Akwa Ibom and the South East States. 3.4. Land Requirement