continuous technology palm oil project in johannesburg

continuous technology palm oil project in johannesburg
  • continuous technology palm oil project in johannesburg
  • Can small scale palm oil processing be used in West and Central Africa?
  • Sophisticated large scale technologies, on the other hand, are generally beyond the financial reach of the rural population. The present review aims at throwing more light on a third option: small scale or intermediate technologies for palm oil processing in West and Central Africa.
  • Can process technologies improve the quality of palm oil produced?
  • However, the process technologies and the quality of palm oil produced have remained stagnant for the past decades. This paper reviews the latest development in the process technologies that can be applied in the palm oil milling process to improve the sustainability and efficiency of palm oil production, as well as the quality of the oil produced.
  • How to improve the sustainability of palm oil production in Malaysia?
  • Presently, tremendous efforts have been devoted to improving the sustainability of palm oil production. One strategy is to improve the oil extraction rate (OER) during the milling process. The average OER in Malaysia has remained stagnant between 19 and 21% for the past 40 years.
  • Can a technology be used for Zero-Waste oil palm processing?
  • The primary objective of this research programme was to develop an integrated technology for zero-waste oil palm processing. Seven strategic thrust areas were identified to address the sustainability challenges of oil palm processing, namely, discharge of highly polluting effluent, emission of greenhouse gases and the generation of solid waste.