palm oil liquid type plate margarine production line in russia

palm oil liquid type plate margarine production line in russia
  • palm oil liquid type plate margarine production line in russia
  • How does palm oil affect margarine consistency?
  • Palm oil, which contributes the b¡¯ crystal polymorph and the best alternative to hydrogenated liquid fats, and the processing conditions can affect the margarine consistency by influencing the solid fat content (SFC) and the types of crystal polymorph formed during production as well as in storage.
  • Why is palm oil used in margarine?
  • As palm oil is naturally semi-solid and trans-fat free, it has become the preferred fat in margarine production in many countries. Its semi-solid content is primarily contributed by equal quantities of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids ¨C 50/50 to be exact.
  • How does polymorphic transformation of palm oil margarines affect crystal formation?
  • Polymorphic transformation of palm oil margarines made at different emulsion temperatures during storage at 28°C the broken crystal bonds enhanced the formation of crystal aggregates that eventually led to formation of the bigger crystals as shown by the transformation of b¡¯- to b-crystals at the end of the fourth week (Table 5).
  • How much palm oil is in a margarine?
  • At this temperature, palm oil has 23% solids. Typically, table margarines can be formulated with up to 50% palm oil, with an average of 25%, and when the oil is submitted to interesterification, up to 80% can be used since it promotes physical properties of fats that allow application in margarines.