soybean oil extraction and refining plant setup in malawi

soybean oil extraction and refining plant setup in malawi
  • soybean oil extraction and refining plant setup in malawi
  • Why is soybean important in Malawi?
  • Soybean is one of the most important crops in Malawi. It is a versatile grain legume because it has a variety of uses. Soybean is rich in protein, vegetable oil and essential minerals. This crop has the ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen and therefore, improves soil fertility.
  • Is soybean a viable export agro-ecological crop in Malawi?
  • Domestic demand for soybean by the processing agro-industries (growing poultry and fish industries), is high. Thus soybean has a ready domestic and export market that is not fully exploited. Agronomic studies on soybean have shown that the crop is well adapted for production in all agro-ecological zones in Malawi.
  • How is soybean oil extracted?
  • The expanding process involves heating the cleaned soybeans to facilitate soybean oil extraction. This can be achieved through mechanical pressing or by using solvents like hexane. Mechanical pressing involves physically pressing the soybeans to release the oil, while solvent extraction is a more efficient method for large-scale production.
  • Does Malawi export soybean oil?
  • exports. Malawi is a non-exporte r of soybean oil having only exported 581 metric tons between 2003 and 2017, or 36 metric tons per year. In 2003, imports supplied 62% of Malawi¡¯s soybean oil needs, while domestic crush supplied 38%. Volumes amounted to about 8,000 metric tons of domestic supply and 12,000 of imports.