soybean oil refining machinery oil production line in malawi

soybean oil refining machinery oil production line in malawi
  • soybean oil refining machinery oil production line in malawi
  • Is soybean a viable export agro-ecological crop in Malawi?
  • Domestic demand for soybean by the processing agro-industries (growing poultry and fish industries), is high. Thus soybean has a ready domestic and export market that is not fully exploited. Agronomic studies on soybean have shown that the crop is well adapted for production in all agro-ecological zones in Malawi.
  • Where does soybean grow in Malawi?
  • The Plateau repre-sents three quarters of Malawi at elevations of 750-1300 masl. Although the major soy-bean production districts are concentrated in the plateau, soybean virtually grows well in all agricultural development divisions.
  • Why do we need soybeans in Malawi?
  • High demand for soybean to produce feed due to expansion of the poultry and fish industries in Malawi. Private sector interest, especially processors to support and enhance soybean pro-duction to meet local demand. Availability of suitable varieties adaptable to almost all agro-ecological zones.
  • How to fertilize a soybean plant in Malawi?
  • Until nodulation occurs, the soybean plant depends on soil nitrogen for growth. Phosphorus is often the most deficient nutrient; therefore, apply optimum phosphorous fertilizer for good yield. Apply phosphorus using 2×50 kg bags for hectare of 23:21:0 +4S compound fertilizer available in Malawi.