medium soybean refinery plant in durban

medium soybean refinery plant in durban
  • medium soybean refinery plant in durban
  • Will South Durban Basin's oil refinery be converted to a storage facility?
  • Long-suffering South Durban Basin communities have welcomed the decision to convert the oil refinery to a storage facility but activists worry the polluting will continue. Residents of South Durban Basin will breathe a sigh of relief in 2023 when the notorious Engen refinery converts its oil-refining facility into a petroleum storage terminal.
  • Is the Engen refinery causing environmental problems in South Africa?
  • Environmental activists say the Engen refinery is not the only culprit in the area. About 10km south of the Engen facility is the oil refinery plant for Shell and BP South African Petroleum Refineries (SAPREF), supplier of 35% of the country's petrochemical and oil needs. The Mondi and Sappi paper plants also contribute to toxic emissions.
  • How do I contact Africa Sunoil refineries (Pty) Ltd?
  • Africa SunOil Refineries (Pty) Ltd contact details: 1272 South Coast Road, Mobeni, Durban, South Africa. Call us on telephone +27 31 462 6830.
  • What is the NCI of Durban II refinery?
  • The refinery, which started operations in 1963, has an NCI of 9. The capacity of the refinery is expected to remain the same as 180mbd by 2030. The Durban II refinery witnessed three incidents during the period 2015-2020.
  • Which paper plants contribute to toxic emissions in South Durban?
  • The Mondi and Sappi paper plants also contribute to toxic emissions. According to the South Durban Community Environmental Alliance (SDCEA), altogether South Durban Basin has more than 300 smoke stacks or industrial-scale chimneys emitting dangerous chemicals.
  • Where is oil refining & packaging initiated?
  • Oil refining and packaging has been initiated at our Johannesburg site. GROUP DEVELOPMENT Founded as a Family business with a site in Durban manufacturing Oil and Soap. Established a Soya crushing facility in Johannesburg. Expanded the Oil renery in Durban and purchased the IFFCO site in Johannesburg.