new oil extraction refinery plant made in zimbabwe

new oil extraction refinery plant made in zimbabwe
  • new oil extraction refinery plant made in zimbabwe
  • Why is Zimbabwe excited about oil & gas prospect in Muzarabani?
  • Zimbabwean government is excited after a potential prospect of Oil and Gas was discovered in Muzarabani area. President Mnangagwa says once exploited it will make the nation energy self-sufficient, create employment, empower the growth of the economy and enable huge downstream benefits.
  • Can Muzarabani oil & gas be a key asset for Zimbabwe?
  • The Muzarabani oil and gas project represents huge potential to become a key asset for Zimbabwe, project developer Invictus Energy managing director Scott MacMillan has said. Citing changing market conditions and improvements to local regulations, Invictus is confident that it can make the prospect viable in an energy deficient region.
  • Did Zimbabwe find oil in Muzarabani?
  • President Emmerson Mnangagwa announced that Zimbabwe had discovered and confirmed it had oil in the Muzarabani area.
  • Is Zimbabwe's oil & gas industry a good investment opportunity?
  • According to Mnangagwa, Zimbabwe¡¯s oil and gas industry represented huge, unique and competitive investment opportunities given the significant potential for value chain linkages.