best linseed oil expeller equipment line certificate

best linseed oil expeller equipment line certificate
  • best linseed oil expeller equipment line certificate
  • What is the oil content of linseed expeller?
  • Oil contents of < 1.5% are indicative of extraction meal. Linseed expeller consists of dark gray pieces (flakes) of variable size with a smooth, somewhat curved cut surface, which is the result of processing in an extruder. Intended use
  • What is linseed expeller?
  • Linseed expeller consists of dark gray pieces (flakes) of variable size with a smooth, somewhat curved cut surface, which is the result of processing in an extruder. Intended use Due to its high protein content, linseed expeller constitutes a valuable concentrated feed additive for mixed livestock feed.
  • Does Vandeputte sell linseed expellers?
  • Vandeputte only sells one type of linseed expeller, a « fatty expeller » with a minimum of 32% protein and 8% linseed oil. This exceptional fat content guarantees a unique concentration of OMEGA 3 (50-55%). The plate is obtained after a double mechanical pressure, cold then hot, without the addition of any solvent or manufacturing aid.
  • Who invented linseed oil extraction machines?
  • Alfred W. French Sr. founded French in 1900 to produce state-of-the-art equipment for the extraction of linseed oil from flax. Mr. French soon adapted his equipment to other oilseeds as well. Today, French stands as a leading supplier and innovator of oil extraction machines and mechanical oilseed screw presses.